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21 Day Press on FastSample

21 Day Press on Fast

दिन 11 को 21


Prayer Topic: Pray for the grace to surrender to Jesus and trust His plans.

Pressing on in life isn’t always about pushing harder—it’s about surrendering to Jesus. In Matthew 16:24-25, Jesus calls us to a radical way of living: denying ourselves, taking up our cross, and following Him. This path of surrender might seem counterintuitive, especially when life’s pressures make us want to hold tighter to control. But true freedom and purpose are found when we let go of our own agendas and follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Surrendering isn’t about giving up; it’s about entrusting your life to the One who has a perfect plan for you. When we lose our lives for Christ’s sake, we actually find the abundant life He promised. Today, as you face the pressures of life, ask yourself: what do you need to surrender to God? Let go and trust that in surrendering to Him, you will find the strength to press on.


  1. What aspects of your life are hardest to surrender to Jesus, and why?
  2. What changes can you make to entrust your life more fully to God’s perfect plan?


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