21 Day Press on FastSample

Prayer Topic: Ask for comfort in grief and for God’s presence to heal and bring peace.
Grief is one of life’s heaviest pressures, but Jesus offers us a promise in Matthew 5:4—those who mourn are blessed because they will be comforted. Grief reminds us of our deep need for God’s comfort, and it’s in our mourning that we often experience His presence most intimately. Pressing on through grief doesn’t mean ignoring or rushing through our pain. Instead, it’s about allowing God to meet us in our sorrow and heal our broken hearts. Jesus Himself experienced grief, and He understands our pain. He promises that comfort will come, even if it feels distant in the moment. Today, if you’re grieving, know that God sees your pain and is near to you. Trust in His promise that comfort will come, and as you press on, let His presence be your source of peace and healing.
- How have you observed God’s comfort in your life during times of grief?
- What steps can you take to invite God into your mourning and allow Him to heal your heart?
यस योजनाको बारेमा

Start your new year with this 21-Day Press On Fast! Whether you're a seasoned faster or new to the concept, this fast is open to everyone who desires to draw closer to God. This is not just about abstaining from certain foods or activities; it's about aligning our hearts and minds with God's will. Together, let's embrace this opportunity to seek God's face.
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