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Living in Increase (Part 3) - Increase in PurposeSample

Living in Increase (Part 3) - Increase in Purpose

दिन 25 को 35

Fear on the Journey

Joshua 1 is one of my favorite chapters in Scripture! In it, Moses, Joshua’s mentor, has died, and God tells Joshua that he will lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. This is a big deal!

What I love even more about this Scripture is how frequently God tells Joshua to be “strong and courageous.” If God made a point to remind Joshua over and over and over again that he needed to be strong and courageous, we can infer that something along Joshua’s journey was going to make him feel weak and afraid.

A lot of times, when God calls us to step out into something new, we face fear and insecurity. We don’t know what lies ahead, we don’t know if we’ll be able to succeed, and we’re not sure what to expect. However, just like God encouraged Joshua to be strong and courageous, He is encouraging us to be strong and courageous on our journeys!

Regardless of what you face on your way to where God wants you to go, know that “God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). As you study His Word and meditate on it day and night, you will succeed in all you do (Joshua 1:8)!

Emily N. Green

Action Step: Tell a friend about your fear or insecurity, and ask them to pray with you.


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