Living in Increase (Part 3) - Increase in PurposeSample

We Serve Because We Love
We love our neighbors by serving our neighbors. The Law can be fulfilled through love–love for God and love for our neighbors. Regarding our faith, it’s our instinct to ask, “What should I avoid doing?” Practically, sometimes, we need to hear what not to do. However, it is much more beneficial to ask, “What should I do?” Love covers a multitude of sins (Peter 4:8); therefore, focusing on love will keep us from doing the things we should not do. If I love my neighbor, I won’t lie to them. If I love my neighbor, I won’t commit adultery with or against them. If I love my neighbors (even if they are my enemies), I will feed and clothe them.
Love is the catalyst for serving. We don’t serve to be seen or heard. We also don’t serve out of obligation. We serve as an expression of our love for one another. In Romans 12:9, Paul tells his readers (and us) not to practice hypocrisy by pretending to love others but to actually love people. He even says we should give “preference to others in honor.” Finally, he says we should bless those persecuting us (verse 14).
This is foundational to our faith and what separates us from the world. We believe in a God who pursues us in our brokenness. We believe that He gave us a sacrificial Lamb (Jesus) without blemish and that whoever believes in Him will live eternally to worship Him. We believe God has called us to serve and love the broken people He pursues and saves. God’s work on earth will be accomplished. He wants to achieve these works through you.
We serve because we love.
Ruby Washington
Action Step: Read 1 Corinthians 13. Write down how this chapter shapes how we should serve people.
यस योजनाको बारेमा

Are you ready to increase in your God-given purpose? Join us for this 35-day study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” plan to experience the fulfilled and abundant life God always intended for you.
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