God's Promises in Painful TimesSample

God promises peace and hope
When we are suffering through a time of hurt, we crave a sense of peace when the pain makes things seem out of our control. And we want to be able to hope for better days.
God promises to give a kind of peace that the things and people of this world can't give us – a peace that simply doesn’t make sense. And God’s promises provide a hope for much more than better days. They point to a hope for Heaven and earth to become one, God’s kingdom to come, and Jesus Christ to return and to make all things new. There can be no greater hope for our weary hearts!
So today, as you feel the need for these things in the midst of your hurt, read and let God’s words fill your heart with his unmatched peace and hope.
यस योजनाको बारेमा

Too often, we turn to things of this world to take away our pain – things that leave us unsatisfied and hurt. But God promises to be an ever-present comforter in our hardest times. In this 5-day Bible Reading Plan, you’ll discover the promises of God in the Bible that can comfort and encourage you when you’re experiencing pain and help you move forward when hurt has you paralyzed.
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