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God's Promises in Painful TimesSample

God's Promises in Painful Times

दिन 3 को 5

God promises to give us strength

When we are feeling pain – be it physical pain, heartbreak, or grief and loss – we often feel like we’re running on empty. It can be hard to get out of bed and start the day. We feel stuck, like we can’t take even the next step forward. Pain steals our strength.

God knows this. When he sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to be fully human even while he was still fully God, he experienced the pain of human suffering in all its forms – rejection, temptation, denial, grief and loss, and the excruciating physical pain of crucifixion. He understands pain in the most personal way.

So God promises his strength in our weakness and his might to fight for us when we feel we have no fight left. He is our rock and fortress.

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