Horizon Church December Bible Reading Plan - Christmas Advent: Jesus, ComeSample

The Third Sunday of Advent
How countless are Your works, LORD!
In wisdom You have made them all;
the earth is full of Your creatures.
— Psalm 104:24
As we reach the third Sunday of Advent, we reflect on the promises fulfilled in Jesus. In the first two weeks, we explored how Christ was the long-awaited answer to generations of hope and longing. This week, we focus on the promises He has kept—God’s faithful assurance of redemption, peace, and restoration through His Son. Jesus is not only the fulfilment of prophecy but the embodiment of God’s unwavering love for us, made manifest in the gift of His life.
यस योजनाको बारेमा

Throughout history, humanity has longed for a Saviour. From the very beginning, the Old Testament reflects a deep ache for restoration. This Advent season, we’ll explore the anticipation of Jesus, the Messiah, who fulfilled every promise. Let’s prepare our hearts to celebrate His birth and express our longing for His return, embracing this season of hope and invitation.
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