Horizon Church December Bible Reading Plan - Christmas Advent: Jesus, ComeSample

Root of Jesse, Come
A long time ago, God made a promise: a King would come from the house of Jesse, one whose reign would never end. In a time of spiritual darkness, the prophet was sent to anoint David, the youngest son of Jesse, as king. David’s reign was marked by faith and courage—he slayed giants, led Israel with zeal, and was known as “a man after God’s own heart.” But even David’s greatness couldn’t bring the eternal kingdom that God had promised.
God reaffirmed His covenant with David, saying, “Your house and kingdom will endure forever” (2 Samuel 7:16). Yet, despite this promise, David’s kingdom eventually fell. His descendants, though they ruled, were unable to establish a lasting reign. That’s when God’s promise took on a deeper meaning.
Jeremiah prophesied, “The days are coming when I will raise up a Righteous Branch for David” (Jeremiah 23:5). This Branch would reign wisely, bringing justice and righteousness. The kingdom God promised through David would find its fulfilment in Jesus, who was born into David’s lineage. Matthew 1:1 starts with the genealogy of Jesus, reminding us that the Saviour is indeed the eternal King, the fulfilment of God’s covenant.
Though earthly kingdoms rise and fall, Jesus' reign will never end. This Advent, we celebrate the King who came in humility to reign forever. All hail the Root of Jesse, our eternal King!
यस योजनाको बारेमा

Throughout history, humanity has longed for a Saviour. From the very beginning, the Old Testament reflects a deep ache for restoration. This Advent season, we’ll explore the anticipation of Jesus, the Messiah, who fulfilled every promise. Let’s prepare our hearts to celebrate His birth and express our longing for His return, embracing this season of hope and invitation.
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