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Rooted in Worshipनमूना

Rooted in Worship

दिन 6 को 28

The Battle for the Mind

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:2

There is a secret battle that rages inside each of us. It is the battle for the mind. This battle often sits just behind a smile where no one else can see it. It often involves pride, judgment, sinful desires, and image management. Our minds do not need just a little clean-up; they need the transforming power of Christ!

Winning the battle of the mind is a big step toward truly becoming like Christ in all areas of our lives. Occasionally, we need to step back and see how our thoughts measure up to what we learn in the Bible about living a Christlike life. This humble reflection is essential for growing in Christlike humility and avoiding the lies of the enemy and the idol of pride.

It can be helpful to ask a few reflective questions as a checkup. Consider the following questions in relation to the last seven days:

Is there anything I have focused my mind on that I would not want others to know about?

Have I been judgmental and critical of others?

Have I been allowing fear, anxiety, or worry to control my thoughts?

Do my thoughts reflect an ongoing conversation with the Lord?

Are my thoughts becoming more like Jesus’ thoughts?

The battle for your mind is a daily opportunity to be transformed by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, guides us into truth, empowers us to live in holiness, intercedes on our behalf, and equips us to fight the powers of darkness. We are so blessed to have the Holy Spirit in our lives!

So, how can we practically partner with the Holy Spirit in the renewing of our minds?

The first and most crucial action in renewing your mind is to abide with the Lord daily. Begin your day with a time of prayer, reading God’s Word, and worship. The pastor Charles Spurgeon said, “It is a good rule never to look into the face of a man in the morning till you have looked into the face of God.” Make it your goal to always begin your day by looking into the face of God.

A second action to renew your mind is to keep a short account with the Lord. If you find your mind moving away from the ways of Jesus, confess and repent. Don’t let the thought grow into action. Bring the thought before the Lord, ask him to forgive you, and ask the Holy Spirit to renew your mind.

For example, you may find yourself thinking judgmental thoughts about someone that lead you to gossip and speak poorly of the person. When the thoughts come to mind, bring them to the Lord, confess, and turn from the judgmental thoughts. Partner with the Holy Spirit by praying a prayer of blessing over the person you were judging moments ago. It is impossible to bless and curse a person at the same moment. As you lift that person up in prayer, your actions agree with the work of the Holy Spirit. Your mind will be transformed into the mind of Christ!

Remember, God is always working for our good, but we have a part to play in the process as well. As an illustration of this, think about how people are rescued from dangerous situations such as a fire or flood. The rescuer will often say, “Take my hand” as they prepare to pull the person to safety. The person in need of rescue has a choice. They can decline the hand and keep struggling on their own, or they can simply reach out and be pulled to safety. The rescuer provides the power, but the person being rescued must take the hand.

In the battle for the mind, we need daily rescue. The Holy Spirit desires to transform our minds and has the power to do so. Let’s take the opportunities given to us by the Holy Spirit to step out in faith and obedience.


Are my thoughts becoming more like Jesus’ thoughts?

Am I working with the Holy Spirit to renew my mind, or am I working against the Holy Spirit in the battle for my mind?


दिन 5दिन 7

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Rooted in Worship

Many reduce worship to singing in church when, in fact, worship is so much more. The Bible makes it clear that worship is a lifestyle! As you become Rooted in Worship, you will see every moment, every relationship, and everything you have as an opportunity to express your love to the Lord in worship. This plan can be used along with the Rooted In Worship Small Group Video Series.
