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दिन 52 को 56

In this section we can see parallels of the dwelling places of God amongst the Jewish people: Tabernacle and Temple. However, we see here that God is designing a new “city” that will be more than just His dwelling place. It's interesting that we don’t go “up” to heaven. God and the New Jerusalem city come “down” to the new earth.

Currently, it is a “kingdom struggle” and always takes an enormous act of grace overcoming enormous resistance for God’s dwelling to be set up on earth. But here, everything in history is retrievable. “There is nothing so evil in my unfaithfulness and nothing so obscure about my life that is not, even now, being fashioned in the foundation stones and entrance gates of Heaven” (Eugene Peterson – Reversed Thunder). Heaven is an intricate system of completions. “And as we have seen from the letters at the start of the book, there are signs that this reality keeps peeping through even in the present world of death and tears” (NT Wright – Revelation For Everyone).


Day 51Day 53