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दिन 50 को 56

After the final judgment, John sees a new heaven, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem. God dwells among God’s people and gives the promise, “Look, I am making all things new.” Sit in that idea for a few minutes. As we look at God’s creation, the world around us is a glorious place that is filled with beauty and the goodness of God. But everywhere we look, we also see brokenness, pain and hurt. To sit and contemplate how He will make ALL things new brings incredible hope and a deep longing for that time to come.

“What we really want is to live forever in a world with all the beauty and none of the ugliness- a world without sin, death, the Curse, and all the personal and relational problems and disappointments they create.” (Randy Alcorn – Heaven)

God will wipe away every tear where death and pain are no more. He will abolish the horrible, disgusting, and tragic effects of human sin. He will dwell with us always, for eternity (which is what being in Heaven really means, being with God, while Hell is being eternally separated from Him). The very presence of Jesus that we long for and enjoy now will surround us in a way that we can’t even imagine. “At every point, John is saying ‘It's like this, but much, much more so.’” (NT Wright – Revelation For Everyone).

Note as well that God says “I am making all things new,” not just that He is going to make all things new in the future (which He is), but He is making all things new NOW.


Day 49Day 51