Kingdom People - the Early ChurchSample

Do you like solving math problems? Sometimes, the equations are easy to solve, like 1 + 1 =…? That’s right, 2!
Some math problems are a bit more challenging, such as 9 x 9 =…? If you answered 81, then that is correct!
But some problems are really difficult to solve. Can you answer this one? 2b x 10 = 5, so what does b equal?
The answer is b = -1
Though this last problem seems too hard and impossible to solve, it’s not. It’s just something you haven’t learned yet. Honestly, even once you learn it, you still might not get the answer right!
This is something you’ll learn in senior school. It’s not the same as the math problems we learn in primary or elementary school.
No one stays in 1st grade forever. We learn, grow, and develop as we start to understand more and more complex things. It’s a bit like following Jesus. We don’t instantly know everything as soon as we decide to follow Jesus. We need to grow.
We grow by reading the Bible, spending time in prayer, and being part of a church. We grow best when we’re part of a church community where we can learn from one another and encourage each other. When we come to church, we know we’re part of God’s family. We can help others, and when we need it, others can help us. Kingdom people help each other grow.
यस योजनाको बारेमा

Discover the people of the Early Church and learn that Kingdom People build the church, welcome others and help each other grow.
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