Kingdom People - the Early ChurchSample

Priscilla and her husband Aquila left Italy when the Emperor ordered all Jewish Christians to leave Rome. They moved to Greece, settling in Corinth. Soon after, Paul arrived there and met the couple, where they all worked as tent makers. Paul stayed with them in Corinth for a year and a half and taught in the Synagogue. Then, together they travelled to Ephesus to share the good news of Jesus. Priscilla and Aquila stayed there while Paul set off to Jerusalem.
Acts 18 tells us about how they first met a man called Apollos there in Ephesus.
We read how Priscilla and Aquila helped many people to know Jesus as they led the church in their home. They helped Paul in ministry, they helped Apollos, too, and they helped many others to know Jesus. Priscilla and Aquila were kingdom people who taught others about Jesus, discipled people, and led the church.
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Discover the people of the Early Church and learn that Kingdom People build the church, welcome others and help each other grow.
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