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God Revealed – A New Testament Journey (PART 8)နမူနာ

God Revealed – A New Testament Journey (PART 8)

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Tribulation and Triumph

“Two thirds of Israel will die and the rest will be purified to receive Christ” (Zechariah 13:8) There is also a different tribulation (Matt 24:9). The trouble extends to God’s people across the world as well (Rev 12:17).

In Revelation John refers to it as wrath or disaster. In prophetic books and apostolic letters called:

§ Trouble as never before

§ Jacob’s trouble

§ Day of wrath

§ Day of the Lord

§ The great tribulation

First half (Rev 8-11a)

The 7th seal is opened and 6 trumpets are blown. The timeline is 42 months (Rev 11:2).

During this time: 

§ There is destruction on earth

§ Two witnesses evangelize, die and rise

Second half (Rev 11b-18)

Also, forty two months – Rev 13:5, the following happens in heaven and earth:

§ 144000 Israelites on mount Zion 

§ Saved singing on sea of glass

§ Antichrist in control

§ Israel purified

§ 2nd coming of Christ 

Ch 12 covers an overlapping scenario of the woman, dragon, child appearing to be Israel, Satan, Jesus over a much larger time frame.

Most righteous appear to be saved (via rapture) from worst which includes:

§ 7 disasters

§ Fall of Babylon

§ Assembling of kings for battle of Armageddon (this is the second great war. The first occurred around the time of Christ’s first coming. The third is at the end of the millennial rule of Christ)

The Antichrist is also referred (in Daniel, Zechariah, 2 Thessalonians and Revelation) as little horn, fierce king, master of intrigue, prince who is to come, worthless shepherd, man of lawlessness, one who brings destruction and beast

Millennial Rule (Rev 20a)

Kicked off with a grand celebration- marriage supper, Christ rules the earth with his martyrs and saints. The final phase of the “first resurrection” occurs (Rev 20). This rule features:

§ Satan bound for 1000 years – Rev 20

§ Feast of tabernacles - Zechariah 14:16,17

§ Israel 100% compliant - Jeremiah 31:33

§ People live long lives – Isaiah 11

§ Israel evangelizes nations – Isaiah 49:6, 42:6

§ Peace reigns - lion and lamb sleep together – Isaiah 11

The Last Great War (Rev 20b)

Satan, released for a short while, unleashes his fury by collecting all forces in huge numbers in the last great battle (Gog the king from the land of) - Rev. 20:7-10. Gog and Magog are also prophesied by Ezekiel in Ezekiel 38 and 39 at a time when God’s people are living securely. They are destroyed by fire.

Judgment (Rev 20 b)

Everyone from all time face judgement, where God declares who has eternal life and who, eternal death. Satan is destroyed forever in lake of fire. 

New Age (Rev 21)

The grand and final destination of new heaven and earth is opened up and saints reign with Christ.

While Christ’s rule brings on the perfect governance, what can we do, wherever we are placed, to emulate that environment in this world?

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God Revealed – A New Testament Journey (PART 8)

Revelation – The Final Frontier / How will the world end? What is the future like? Perceived the most mysterious book in the Bible, in reality the clearest from the future perspective, is, in fact, a revelation. If we don’t get locked into distracting diversions, the plan is simply and clearly laid out. It gives us an amazing glimpse of the devastating end of evil and the glorious new beginning for the redeemed in Christ.
