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Joshua - Salvationနမူနာ

Joshua - Salvation

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Names in the old testament have deep meaning,

Moses means - drawn out. He was drawn out of the water, and God used him to draw Israel out of Egypt. 

Joshua means - The Lord is Salvation. 

When we read Bible stories, we often identify with the main character. We see Joshua campaigning through the Promised Land, and we identify with his military conquests. We put ourselves in the position of the hero – but that role belongs to Another. Instead, we are more like Caleb.

Caleb means - a faithful one, wholehearted. Caleb faithfully fought beside Joshua, but he was not "The Lord is Salvation."

The name "Joshua" points to Someone else. Joshua or in Hebrew: Yehoshua, means the Lord is Salvation. It is shortened to Yeshua or, as we know it today: Jesus. Joshua is a type of Christ. It is not us that fight the battles, but Jesus. It is not us that conquer, but through Jesus - we become more than conquerors.

Like Moses, the Law draws us out of slavery, but it can't keep us from wandering in the desert of sin. The Law can't give us rest. 

Like Joshua, Jesus is our salvation. We find real rest in Him. Like Joshua, Jesus started His campaign in the Jordan river, and He – like Joshua leads His people to victory. 

We are dead in our sins, and our sin demands death. Jesus, if we trust Him, became sin for us and died our death for us. Three days later, He proved His word and God's power when He rose from the dead. If we join Jesus in His death, we will also join Him in His resurrection. But we must trust only in Him - not in our own ability. 

Like Israel, we cannot free ourselves from slavery. We must believe and rest in the One who died to set us free.


  • Memorize Exodus 15:2
  • Pray Psalms 51 out loud.
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Joshua - Salvation

All die - few genuinely live. All are born slaves - some become conquerors. All men are warriors. God calls us, like He called Joshua, out of slavery to become more than conquerors, more than warriors. Are you ready to stop existing in bondage and start thriving in freedom? This heavy-duty stand-alone plan is also part 1 of a 10 part series.
