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Day By Day With Billy Grahamनमुना

Day By Day With Billy Graham

366 पैकी 69 दिवस

The Real You

Experts have told us that society is sick. Their panaceas have treated human frailty with infusions of low-income housing, welfare payments, integrated education, and psychological conditioning. But we are learning that this is not the total answer. The world does need changing, society needs changing, the nation needs changing, but we never will change it until we ourselves are changed. And we never will change until we look into the mirror of our own soul and face with candor what we are inside. Then freely acknowledge that there is a defect in human nature, a built-in waywardness that comes from man’s natural rebellion against God. I am not preaching now, just trying to give you an understanding of what makes you tick. But I also expect to show you that, in the end, you can find your answers only in a personal relationship with God.

Daily Prayer

It is useless to hide the real me from You. I pour out this day all my innermost thoughts and feelings, Lord Jesus.

पवित्र शास्त्र

दिवस 68दिवस 70