Day By Day With Billy Grahamनमुना

Live Outside of Yourself
Some people have received Christ but have never reached spiritual maturity. They have been in church all their lives, and yet they have never become mature Christians. They are still considered “spiritual children” and “babes in Christ.” They know little Scripture. They have little desire to pray, and bear few of the marks of a Christian in their daily living. To say, “I will resolve to do better, I will muster all my will power and revise my way of living,” is noble, but futile. A corpse could as well say, “I will—through sheer effort—rise out of this coffin and be a living man again.” You need a power outside yourself. You cannot get over the habits and chains that are binding you. You need outside help. You need Christ.
The Bible tells of a bridge of faith which reaches from the valley of despair to the high hills of glorious hope in Christ. It tells where we are, but beyond that—it tells where we may be in Christ. Now, of course, you will not be completely mature until you are in the presence of Christ, but you should be growing every day as a Christian.
Daily Prayer
Lord, work through me this day, that I might be maturing as a Christian and come to know You better, that I might know Your perfect will for me.
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या योजनेविषयी

A daily scripture with insight, encouragement and practical application from Billy Graham’s sermons and writings.