We Grow: A Journey of Drawing Closer to Godनमुना

Day 306 of 365
In Jeremiah 31, God speaks of a new covenant, one not written on stone but inscribed on the hearts of His people. This covenant promises a personal relationship with God, where sins are forgiven, and lives are transformed from the inside out. Hebrews 8 emphasizes this promise, describing Jesus as the mediator of this new covenant. The Holy Spirit is at work in our hearts, guiding us into this relationship of grace, where obedience flows from love rather than obligation.
This covenant shows us the depth of God’s desire for connection. He doesn’t merely want us to follow rules; He wants our hearts fully turned toward Him. The Spirit enables us to live in this new reality, where our actions are motivated by a deep, abiding love for God. Our lives, then, become a reflection of His mercy and grace, offering hope to those who are far from Him.
Today, ask the Holy Spirit to help you embrace this new covenant fully. Let His love reshape your thoughts, words, and actions. May your life be a testament to the grace and transformation that comes from a relationship with God, drawing others to His redeeming love.
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We Grow: A Journey of Drawing Closer to God is a 365-day Bible reading plan led by Bishop Gary Lewis, the General Overseer of the Church of God. The plan is designed to deepen your faith and understanding of God’s Word. Each day begins with a short devotional, followed by carefully curated Scripture readings, and concludes with the S.O.A.P. exercise—Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. Through this plan, you’ll grow in biblical literacy, discover God’s mercy and purpose, and learn to partner with Him in His Kingdom work.