Rhythms of Graceनमुना

Questions to Consider:
- What was significant about Moses and Aaron’s relationship?
- Why do you think God placed Aaron in Moses’s life?
- Who holds the body together?
- Who has been placed in your life to encourage you and come alongside you while you serve?
पवित्र शास्त्र
या योजनेविषयी

As people who follow Jesus, we are considered to be His disciples. This simply means that - through the Spirit’s power – we are learning to be with Jesus in order to embody His teachings for His mission. Throughout Scripture, we see a variety of ways that Jesus and the people of God have learned to commune with God. Historically these have been referred to, by the Church, as the spiritual disciplines or spiritual rhythms. The purpose of these rhythms are not simply to do them, but to grow in our relationship with Jesus.