By Nameनमुना

By Name

DAY 2 OF 7

Love Like Jesus

The worst insult the religious leaders could think of hurling at Jesus was, “You’re a friend of sinners” (Matthew 11:19), but Jesus wore that title like a badge of honor. His approach to reaching sinners—loving them on the front end—was proven correct by His outstanding results. And if we love people the way He loved them, we will also see God do incredible things through us. Let me tell you about my friend Mazz, and how love changed both of our lives:

I was the pastor of a small church in Albuquerque, NM, and Mazz had been invited to service by his brother, who had recently been saved and was on fire for God. I could tell church was not his favorite place, so I invited him to coffee the following week so we could talk more. Once at Starbucks, we broke the ice, and I went deeper.

“Mazz, I’d love to hear your story,” I said.

“Trust me, P.B. You don’t want to hear my story. It’s a bad story,” he replied.

“No, Mazz. I really want to hear your story. Nobody’s perfect.”

“Yeah, but not everyone has made mistakes as bad as me. I recently got out of prison.”

“That’s okay. My brother John is in prison right now. I won’t judge you.”

Mazz finally lifted his head and locked eyes with mine, trying to determine if I meant what I said. Then he proceeded to tell me how he got involved in drugs, had become a violent person, and was sent to prison. I held his gaze compassionately and thanked him for opening up to me. I told him I wanted to be his friend, and after a short pause, he said, “I became a Muslim in prison, and I hate Christians. So, it won’t work if you try to convert me.”

“I’m not trying to convert you. I genuinely want to be your friend. Mazz, I would love nothing better than for you to believe as I do, but we won’t even discuss my faith if you don’t want to. All I ask is for a chance to earn your trust. Then at some point, I’d like to discuss the Prophet Isa with you.”

Mazz looked at my still-outstretched hand. “Alright, deal,” Mazz said as he took my hand.

Mazz and I began hanging out and sharing a meal at least once a month. Restaurants, coffee shops, my house, you name it. We played basketball once, and Mazz destroyed me, twenty-one to two. From then on, I suggested we watch basketball on TV instead. I continued praying for Mazz daily, listening to him, eating with him, and building our friendship. And while the Holy Spirit was working on Mazz, He was also working on me. As I prayed for him, I began to care deeply for him and genuinely wanted to help him. That’s how prayer works. It changes you as you plead with God to change others.

After sixteen months of building my friendship with Mazz, I felt I had finally earned his trust enough to share my faith. As I turned into the Starbucks’ parking lot yet again, I felt excitement but also worried about damaging our friendship. Mazz and I briefly discussed how his new job was going and then I asked him, “Mazz, do you remember what I asked you the first time we met for coffee? I asked you if I could share with you about the Prophet Isa once I earned your trust. Do you trust me?” “Yeah. With all my heart, P.B. You’re the only white person I have ever trusted.”

I took a deep breath and activated my courage. “Mazz, I’ve read the Quran three times, and it talks a lot about the Prophet Isa. Did you know your holy book says that Isa is the Messiah?”


“Well, guess what? My holy book says the same thing. Did you know the Quran teaches Isa was born of a virgin and performed miracles?”

Mazz nodded.

“And did you know your holy book says that Isa is coming back to the Earth in the last days?”


“Mazz, as your holy book says, Isa is the Messiah, and He will return to Earth in the last days. So, is there any chance Isa could be a false prophet?”

“Of course not!” Mazz said emphatically.

“Is there any way Isa was a lunatic and a liar?”

Mazz shook his head. “Absolutely not!”

“Well, let me share with you one more thing about Isa. It’s not in your holy book, but it’s in mine.”

Mazz nodded for me to proceed.

“We call the Prophet Isa “Jesus” in English. Jesus said He is the way, the truth, and the life and that He is the only way to the Father. He came to Earth and died on the cross for your sins and my sins. Jesus loves you and wants to adopt you into His family.”

As I explained the Good News of Jesus Christ, tears formed in Mazz’s eyes. He tried to speak, then clenched his jaw against the tidal wave of emotions swelling inside him. “What do I need to do?” he finally said.

“The Bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Do you believe God raised Jesus from the dead? And do you confess Him as the Lord of your life?”

“Yes,” Mazz said, his voice cracking. After sixteen months of love, prayer, shared meals, and friendship, Jesus saved my friend Mazz, and he became my brother in the faith.

That experience with Mazz taught me that people need to experience love and grace before they will believe in our truth. The Bible says in Matthew 22:37-40: “‘Love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Praying for people by name is only the beginning of partnering with God to save souls. Prayer sets a fire in your heart and sends you to people and places you never imagined. We can’t pry people’s hearts open with sermons, scare them with threats, or shame them into submission. God’s plan for evangelism is simple: love everyone you come into contact with so well that their hearts open to Jesus.

I led Mazz to Jesus by living out a simple lifestyle of relational evangelism called B.L.E.S.S:

B.Begin with prayer

L.Listen to them

E.Eat with them

S.Serve them

S. Share Jesus with them

Even though I didn’t know the B.L.E.S.S. acronym at that time, all the B.L.E.S.S. practices were part of my journey with him. And not only with Mazz, but with virtually everyone I have led to Christ and discipled I’ve engaged in these five practices: pray, listen, eat, serve, and share. What about you? How do you share your faith?


Lord, help me to love people the way You love them. Help me to love them so well that their hearts open to the Gospel. Use me as a vessel of Your love.


  1. Think back to when you came to faith. Who shared the Gospel with you, and how did they help you open your heart to Jesus?
  2. How effective is your strategy in winning people to Jesus?
  3. How do you think incorporating B.L.E.S.S. into your evangelism strategy can help bring people to Jesus?


Now that you know the five names of the people you are praying for on a daily basis, write down any opportunities you see to B.L.E.S.S. them.

पवित्र शास्त्र

दिवस 1दिवस 3

About this Plan

By Name

Billions worldwide don't know Jesus, but God has given us the power to change that, and it all starts with prayer. Prayer ignites your heart for God’s mission. This 7-day Bible Plan from Brian Alarid’s book, 'By Name,' inspires and equips you to lead people to Jesus using Jesus' modeled lifestyle habits: Begin with prayer, Listen, Eat with them, Serve, and Share Jesus (B.L.E.S.S.).
