By Nameनमुना

By Name

DAY 7 OF 7

Share Jesus with Them

The fifth habit in the B.L.E.S.S. strategy is to share Jesus. As you have been praying for people by name daily, listening to them, eating with them, and serving them, the Holy Spirit has undoubtedly been softening their hearts to receive the Gospel. Now it’s time to share Jesus with them. Be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading. With Mazz, it took sixteen months before he was ready to hear the Gospel. With Snoop, it took close to a year. Some people were ready the first day I met them, but it took years before others were open to hearing about Jesus. Just like the Holy Spirit guided me, He will guide you as you lean on Him.

Evangelism is not the job of professionals. It is the privilege and responsibility of every believer. It is the overflow of our love for Jesus. The more we love Him, the more we will want to tell others about Him.

Paul asks a fundamental question in Romans 10:14: “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” People cannot call on the Lord unless they hear from you and me about Him. That’s why we must tell everyone we know about Jesus. Your mission on Earth is to share the Good News of Jesus with as many people as possible. Keeping the Gospel to yourself would be like if the world was dying of a painful, fatal disease, and you had the only cure but kept it a secret. People are dying without Jesus, but you can change that by sharing the Gospel with them.

In Acts 22:1-21, we read how the Apostle Paul shared the Gospel in a way that works just as well today as it did back then:

  1. Share your story: Before you met Jesus, how you met Jesus, and your life since you met Jesus.
  2. Share God’s story: Share the Gospel with them.
  3. Invite them to respond to the Gospel.
  4. Encourage them to take the next steps in their walk with God: Read the Bible, pray daily, be water-baptized, join a community, and share their faith.

To learn more about Brian Alarid’s new book, ‘By Name’ visit

To learn more about the Pray for All Movement, visit


Jesus, thank You for dying for the sins of the whole world and for inviting me to partner with You in saving souls. Lord, give me a burden for people far from God. Create opportunities for me to share the Gospel with the five people I am praying for daily. Lord, soften their hearts to receive Jesus and soften mine to always be ready to tell them about You.


  1. What was your life like before meeting Jesus?
  2. How did you meet Jesus?
  3. How has Jesus changed your life since then?
  4. Some people are afraid to share the Gospel because they do not know how to explain it. Can you take the time to understand and practice explaining the Gospel?


Practice your story with at least two followers of Jesus so they can give you feedback. Then share Jesus with one of the five people you have been praying for daily. Rely on the Holy Spirit to give you the right words to share at the right time.

It’s your turn to take what you’ve learned in this reading plan and apply it in your home, your neighborhood, your school, your workplace, your church, your denomination, and everywhere your love for souls will take you. If each believer takes on the challenge of praying for 5 people by name and sharing Jesus with them, we can reach the whole world with the message of Jesus in our generation. It is that simple, and it starts with you and me.

पवित्र शास्त्र

दिवस 6

About this Plan

By Name

Billions worldwide don't know Jesus, but God has given us the power to change that, and it all starts with prayer. Prayer ignites your heart for God’s mission. This 7-day Bible Plan from Brian Alarid’s book, 'By Name,' inspires and equips you to lead people to Jesus using Jesus' modeled lifestyle habits: Begin with prayer, Listen, Eat with them, Serve, and Share Jesus (B.L.E.S.S.).
