Building Your Prayer Lifeनमुना

Building Your Prayer Life

DAY 27 OF 36

Lesson Six: Building Process 3 - Growing in the Life of Intercession

The life of intercession can begin at the time of one’s spiritual birth. Being labeled "Building Process 3" does not mean it only takes place later in the Christian life. The main reason it is mentioned last in our series is because it is the most challenging task in the prayer life. One cannot endure in it unless one first relinquished preoccupation with self, and has so experienced the love of God that it is overflowing to others.

Consistency in the life of intercession demands maturity -- in one’s knowledge of God as well as love for others. The closer one draws to God, the more he can feel God’s heartbeat for the lost and the needy so that he will be driven to intercede for them. It is interesting to note that intercession is the only prayer activity in which the Holy Spirit and Christ Himself engage. (Romans 8:26,27; Hebrews 7:25).

In Exodus 32:7-35, Moses was an intercessor and from his example, the prayer principle 6 will be derived. In this passage, Moses was meeting with God by himself in the mountain to receive the two tablets of stone on which the ten commandments have been written. The Israelites who have just pledged their allegiance to Yahweh became impatient over Moses’ delay in coming back to them. They then decided to make for themselves a molten "idol" that will serve as their object of worship in the absence of their spiritual leader, which was clearly a violation of what God has just commanded them. Aaron gave in to their demand and this provoked God to pour out His wrath on the Israelites.

Leading the Israelites was not a pleasurable experience for Moses. In fact, he bore their unbelief and grumbling all the time. If this was so, why did Moses intercede for their deliverance from God’s wrath? Why would he even exchange his own salvation just to get God to pardon Israel? He also refused the prestigious offer of becoming the "father" of the new Israel. What selflessness!

Prayer Principle 6: Effective intercession involves a selfless commitment to mediate God’s blessings for His glory in the world.

What did Moses really care about the most? Was it the reputation of his people before the other nations? Moses’ utmost concern was not what the other nations will say about Israel; rather what they would say about the God of Israel. While God did not need the Israelites to vindicate His glory among the nations, Moses thought that if Israel will perish because of God’s judgment, the glory of God will not be displayed among the unbelievers. This same devotion or commitment to the glory of God is needed for effective intercession. This is the same motive that Jesus Himself has as an intercessor according to John 14:13. Yet how much of our intercessions today is motivated by a selfless desire to see God glorified?

Memory Verse 6A: Ephesians 6:18

“Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.”

Memory Verse 6B: 1 Timothy 2:1-2

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” 

दिवस 26दिवस 28

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Building Your Prayer Life

Building Your Prayer Life: Have a biblical understanding of prayer, broaden your vision of God, deepen your love for Him, yours will be a strong and effective prayer life. Written by Cory Bo-o Varela, she believes that teaching these prayer lessons is not meant to substitute actual involvement in prayer. Subscribe and build your prayer life now!
