Building Your Prayer Lifeनमुना

Building Your Prayer Life

DAY 32 OF 36

Lesson Six: Building Process 3 - Growing in the Life of Intercession

Spiritual Warfare in Intercession

It has been said that knowing the enemy is winning half the battle. The Bible tells us a lot about Satan and his hosts. Satan may have great power and sophisticated in his methods and strategies, but the believer must never forget that the devil is a defeated foe. The following section also enumerates the believer’s vast resources from God to ensure victory in the battle.

The Divine Resources for Victory

According to 2 Cor. 10:3,4 the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh or dependent on our carnal efforts. They are divinely powered – “mighty through God”.

As a "defensive weapon", God has given us a spiritual armor according to Ephesians 6:11-17. What are the parts of this armor? Belt of truth, Breastplate of righteousness, shoes for the feet – ready to bring the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, sword of the Spirit.

Five of the pieces of this armor are defensive weapons. God has provided them for the believer to use to protect himself as he battles with Satan and be able to STAND FIRM! The sixth piece - the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God is the only offensive weapon mentioned. 

Christ’s finished work on the cross – His death – and His resurrection from the dead. (Hebrews 2:9-11; Philippians 3:10; 1 Peter 1:3) What Christ has accomplished on the cross has broken the power of Satan over people whose fear of death has kept them vulnerable. Christ’s death has made it possible for sinful man to escape death, because Jesus already paid the penalty of sin. The resurrection of Christ demonstrates the power of God to give eternal life to those who believe.

The authority of Christ’s name as expressed in His Word. (Matthew 28:18;Philippians 2:9-11) There is authority in the name of Jesus. All authority has been given to Him. That is why we use the name of Jesus when commanding and rebuking the spiritual forces of darkness. They shudder at the name of Jesus.

Christ’s abiding presence and power in the believer. (Matthew 28:20; 1 John 4:4) Because Christ promised to be with the believer everywhere, all the time, we can have confidence wherever, whenever the enemy shows up. Our greatest champion is always with us to fight for us. He is greater than anybody who will try to come against us in the world.

The testimony of the gospel. (Romans 1:16) We carry with us the most powerful weapon that is able to snatch people from Satan’s hands, and make them citizens of God’s kingdom. By preaching the gospel, people can hear it, and if they believe, they will be saved.

Truth-encounter vs. Power-encounter

Dr. Neil Anderson, author of the book, Bondage Breaker, wrote that our battle with Satan is more of a truth-encounter rather than power-encounter. One missionary who did pioneering work in the China-Burma border before China fell under communist rule testified of the oppressive spiritual darkness covering their mission field such that they could almost smell the fumes of hell. The people were stubbornly resisting the gospel. One day, he came across an article on the use of the command of faith against the enemy. After a time of spiritual preparation, he went into a solitary place in their mission field, and there shouted at the enemy’s ranks the truths of Calvary and the results of Christ’s finished work upon mankind. Then he commanded the demons of that place to submit to the authority of Christ by releasing the people from their bondage. This encounter with the enemy became a turning point in their ministry in terms of people responding in faith to the gospel.

दिवस 31दिवस 33

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Building Your Prayer Life

Building Your Prayer Life: Have a biblical understanding of prayer, broaden your vision of God, deepen your love for Him, yours will be a strong and effective prayer life. Written by Cory Bo-o Varela, she believes that teaching these prayer lessons is not meant to substitute actual involvement in prayer. Subscribe and build your prayer life now!
