Ариун Библи дээрхи Дахин амилсан баярын тухай чимээгүй цаг: МосиакЗагвар

Devotions for Lent from Holy Bible: Mosaic

46-с 16 дахь өдөр

Lean on Me (Karen Sloan) 

"Lean on me." God makes this invitation to you and me in every moment of our lives. We can choose to respond, "Please, God, rescue me! Come quickly, Lord, and help me." But as for me, my focus often remains stuck on myself. I become caught up either in all that I accomplish or in all that I have left undone. I believe circumstances are either the result of my own abilities or the fault of my own limitations. When life is all about me, I am blinded from the reality of my complete dependence upon my Creator. The noise of arrogance and anxiety deafens the call to lean on the everlasting arms. 

We are designed by God to be dependent on God and we are called to be in community with others. Our existence is to be one of interconnection, not isolation. 

As Jesus lived his life on earth as both God and Man, He lived life of dependence on God and in community with others. God provided for Jesus' human life through Mary. 

In adulthood, Jesus lived in community with others to accomplish the work He was called to do. A young boy provided the five loaves and two fish that would feed five thousand. Overwhelmed with sorrow in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus sought solace in the company of Peter, James, and John, even as they fell asleep just when the Lord needed them most. When Jesus died on the cross, Mary was there with the other women and John, perhaps ready to hold his body one final time. Jesus called upon his disciple to do one more thing for him - take care of his mother (John 19:26-27). There is freedom in living in community. We depend on the Lord while we live in community with others.  


Ѳдѳр 15Ѳдѳр 17

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Devotions for Lent from Holy Bible: Mosaic

Лентийн турш дахь 46 өдрийн өдөр бүрийн чимээгүй цаг нь Ариун Библи: Мосиак нь эш таталт, уншлага, бас Бичээсийг нэгтгэн таньд Христ дээр бодол санаагаа төвлөрүүлэхэд туслах болно. Лент нь ямар утга учиртай болохыг та сайтар ойлгоогүй ч бай эсвэл бүхэл амьдралынхаа туршид та сүм дээрээ жил бүр Лентийг тэмдэглэсээр ирсэн ч бай дэлхий даяархи Христитгэлтнүүдийн болон түүхэн дэхь хүмүүсийн чимээгүй цагийн санаа ойлголтууд болон Бичээсийн уншлагийг та өндөрөөр үнэлэх болно. Бидэнтэй болон дэлхий даяархи цуглаануудын хамт Дахин амилсан баярт шилжих долоо хоногийн туршид Есүс дээр анхаарлаа төвлөрүүлэхэд нэгдэгтүн.


Ариун Библи дээрхи Амилсан баяр ба Лент: Мосиакийн талаархи чимээгүй цагийг төлөө бид Тиндал Хаус Паблишерт талархлаа илэрхийлмээр байна. Ариун Библи: Мосиакийн талаархи дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг: www.tyndale.com/p/holy-bible-mosaic-nlt/9781414322056 -с үзнэ үү