Take The Helpഉദാഹരണം

Take The Help

5 ദിവസത്തിൽ 5 ദിവസം

He Helps Our Relationships

One of the major complaints in life is the dissatisfaction in our relationships because of unmet expectations, disappointments, feeling neglected or rejected, and unhappiness. We all have experienced these things one time or another; be it in any relationship but more so marriages. I think we enter marriage with all these preconceived notions based on the dating and romance period of the relationship, and finally, when we must spend every waking moment with the person we were so in love with we realize we have married a different person. We come to a harsh reality that marriage takes a lot more than dating; it takes commitment and some real work. We live in a culture so sense-driven, once the emotions run low it indicates to leave and be on to the next new thing. 

I think you would agree with me here that making our relationships work would require the help of the Holy Spirit. Feelings can change in a moment but to love someone with all their faults and flaws would take a greater power within us and I am so thankful for the Helper – Holy Spirit. 

The Apostle Paul offers us some powerful advice, and it is all based on being filled with the Spirit. In relationships men long for respect and women long for love and affection, the man wants to know he is the head of his home and can provide for his family and a woman wants to know she is the center of her husband’s world. But in reality, a man will do his duty to make sure he is a provider, and in that providing, he assumes his wife knows she is loved while the wife must be complimented, and adored. When a man works a long day, all he wants to do is come home grab the remote and unwind, and the wife wants to talk about the day and dinner plans. So how are we to maintain peace, harmony, love, and romance when we are on such opposite ends of the spectrum? Only the Holy Spirit can help us here. 

The Apostle Paul urges us not to be drunk with wine but to be filled with the Spirit. (Eph 5:18). Wine releases natural brain chemicals that produce pleasurable feelings; it makes us happy, but too much wine then leads to drunkenness. Apostle Paul says wine can make you happy for a moment but continue to be filled with the Spirit which will lead to full-time joy. He advises us to sing and speak the psalms and hymns this must be an ongoing filling. We can’t be filled with what we ate yesterday, so we can’t be filled and led by the Spirit just once a week when we go to church. We must spend time daily being filled with the Spirit and only then can a husband love his wife the way she desires to be loved and only then can a wife respect and submit to her husband. The Holy Spirit is all the help we need in succeeding in life and I hope you would acknowledge and desire him more in your life.

Holy Spirit, come into every area of my life and help me live a life filled and led by you.


ദിവസം 4

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Take The Help

We all go thru life running on self-effort, and we eventually get to the “pulling out our hair” moments from all that we must deal with daily. However, did you know that our Heavenly Father gave  us a helper? This helper supersedes all our natural abilities and once we get to the point of total dependence life becomes easier- “Would you take the help today?”
