Journey With Jesus 365സാംപിൾ

Jesus warned against those who loved boasting their outward appearance and performance. As Jesus watched people give money offerings to the Lord, many who were rich gave much. But, what caught Jesus’ attention most was a widow who gave two mites, or small coins. Calling over His disciples, He told them that this widow had given more than all the rest. Rather than giving her surplus, she gave all that she had. It is easier to give when our resources are abounding. Jesus desires us to give even when our physical resources seem drained.
Is there something you can learn from this widow regarding your own giving?
ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Experience authentic and lasting life change as you strengthen your relationship with Jesus! Journey with Jesus 365 will take you on a journey to better understand the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Each day you will have readings from one of the gospels, while also reading through the whole Bible in one year. Daily devotions are focused on the life of Jesus, and provide context for the reading and practical ways to apply Biblical truths to the life of the believer. Start your Journey with Jesus today!