Find & Follow Jesus, Quarter 1സാംപിൾ

Week 2
(Genesis 9–22, Luke 5–11, Psalm 3–5, Proverbs 1)
Throughout Luke, Jesus repeatedly proclaims the coming of his Kingdom and uses parables to reveal its culture. Surprisingly, his Kingdom is built on people who are weak, lowly, and humble. Jesus himself perfectly models this servant-hearted leadership throughout his ministry.
It can be hard to believe that Jesus wants us when we feel broken and hurting. Yet, God has a long history of using broken and lowly people to accomplish his will. Following him often feels difficult and even scary because it requires great faith.
Abraham demonstrated faith when he trusted God’s promises enough to willingly offer his only son, Isaac, to the Lord. The twelve disciples walked in faith when they left their old lives behind to follow Jesus. The bleeding woman showed faith by believing Jesus could heal her.
In our own lives, the everyday decisions to open our Bibles, spend time in prayer, and follow Jesus are also acts of faith. These choices may not always be fun or easy, but they are how we trust that God is working in and through us to further his Kingdom. Even in our weakness or lowliness, God can use us powerfully if we have faith.
This week, use the Lord's Prayer in Luke 11 as a guide for your prayer time. Break it into sections and spend time reflecting on each part. For example:
- “Hallowed be your name” — Praise God for who he is.
- “Your kingdom come” — Ask how the culture of God’s Kingdom might be furthered in and through you.
Continue through the prayer, letting each section deepen your connection with God.
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Follow our quarterly plans to read through the entire Bible in one year, plus a bonus round through the Gospels and Romans. Each day has one verse we encourage you to write down, journal about, or memorize, and then you can read sections from both the Old Testament and New Testament. Every week we provide an additional devotional for further discussion on that week's themes.