Find & Follow Jesus, Quarter 1സാംപിൾ

Week 5
(Exodus 1–14, Psalm 12–14, Acts 2–8)
Exodus 12 recounts the story of God sending the tenth and final plague on Egypt to secure freedom for His people. Just as the Lord rescued the Israelites from slavery, He has freed us from the bondage of sin.
In the same way the blood of the lamb on the Israelites’ doorways caused death to pass over them, we are covered by the blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God. Exodus 12:13 reminds us, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you.”
So often, we feel weighed down by shame, believing that when God looks at us, He sees only our mistakes. But in truth, God sees the blood of Jesus poured out for the forgiveness of our sins. Because of His sacrifice, death no longer has power over us—instead, we are given freedom.
The Israelites had to trust in faith that the blood of the lamb was enough to save them. Similarly, it can be difficult for us to fully believe that Jesus’ blood covers all our sins. But each day, we have the opportunity to walk in faith and trust that His sacrifice is sufficient.
What narrative runs through your mind? Is it one that focuses on your mistakes, weaknesses, or shame? God longs to replace those lies with the truth of His love for you.
Ask the Lord to reveal any negative narratives you’re living under that don’t align with how He sees you. Then, invite Him to show you the truth of His perspective—a word, a picture, or a reminder of how much He values and cherishes you as His precious creation.
ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Follow our quarterly plans to read through the entire Bible in one year, plus a bonus round through the Gospels and Romans. Each day has one verse we encourage you to write down, journal about, or memorize, and then you can read sections from both the Old Testament and New Testament. Every week we provide an additional devotional for further discussion on that week's themes.