Find & Follow Jesus, Quarter 1സാംപിൾ

Find & Follow Jesus, Quarter 1

90 ദിവസത്തിൽ 12 ദിവസം

Week 3
(Genesis 23–36, Luke 12–18, Psalm 6–8)

“Seek first his kingdom, and these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)

Every person faces unique challenges. Whether financial, relational, or otherwise, we all experience needs. Following Jesus doesn’t guarantee an easy life—if anything, it often means the opposite. Jesus tells us the road to abundant life is narrow, and not many find it.

When life becomes difficult, we face a choice: will we give up, like the rich man in Luke 18:23, or persist in faith, like the widow in Luke 18? God cares deeply about our needs and knows how to meet them in ways far better than we could imagine. However, Jesus commands us to “seek first the Kingdom,” trusting that God will provide for us in His timing and His ways.

Our needs are best met within the context of living according to His Kingdom values. That’s why we start by seeking His Kingdom—placing our focus on Him—and trusting His provision to follow.

This week, ask God to help you see how He is working in and around you. Pray for the ability to see yourself as an agent of His Kingdom, and take time to surrender your needs to Him. Ask God for the faith to prioritize seeking His Kingdom first, even when your immediate needs feel urgent.

ദിവസം 11ദിവസം 13

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Find & Follow Jesus, Quarter 1

Follow our quarterly plans to read through the entire Bible in one year, plus a bonus round through the Gospels and Romans. Each day has one verse we encourage you to write down, journal about, or memorize, and then you can read sections from both the Old Testament and New Testament. Every week we provide an additional devotional for further discussion on that week's themes.
