Living in Increase (Part 9) - Increase in Healthസാംപിൾ

Living in Increase (Part 9) - Increase in Health

35 ദിവസത്തിൽ 17 ദിവസം

When You're Sad

“Sadness” is the state of being sad, meaning you feel or show sorrow or unhappiness. In Psalm 42, David writes about the sadness he’s experiencing. He asks questions like “Why am I discouraged?” and “Why is my heart so sad?” If you’ve ever experienced sadness, you’ve probably found yourself asking similar questions.

What I love about Psalm 42 is that, even though David is experiencing extreme sorrow, he still reminds himself to hope in God. He doesn’t shy away from his feelings or try to pretend he’s not sad. He owns it, yet he knows that this will not be forever.

Sadness, like all emotions, is fleeting. While it may seem like it will never go away, know that God has great plans for you! When you’re sad, remind yourself to put your hope in God. Hope brings assurance that things will get better. Praise God, even if your current circumstances don’t constitute it. Remember what we said about joy? Joy comes from praising God in the middle of our sadness!

Instead of remembering how things used to be, remember who God is and what He has for you in the future. John 16:20 says that even though sometimes we experience grief, our “grief will turn to joy!”

Emily N. Green

Action Step: Write down what you’re feeling sad about. Then, thank God for something good He could do in the future for each item.


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