Living in Increase (Part 4) - Increase in Communityഉദാഹരണം

Living in Increase (Part 4) - Increase in Community

28 ദിവസത്തിൽ 16 ദിവസം

Fake Friends

I love how the New Living Translation of Proverbs 18:24 includes “friends” in quotation marks in this verse. I read it with some sass: “There are so-called ‘friends’ who actually aren’t even friends at all.

Unfortunately, many of us probably know what having a fake friend is like. Another term that could be used here is “frenemy.” Fake friends pretend to like each other, only to turn around and hurt one another. We see this in real life, movies, and even the media. Two celebrities who are releasing a movie together travel, do press events, and pretend to be cordial, only for us to later find out that they can’t stand each other in real life!

I don’t think “fake” friends need more explanation, so let’s turn our attention to a real friend. What I love about Proverbs 18:24 is that King Solomon, the author of Proverbs and the wisest man ever to live, tells us what makes a friend fake and what makes a friend real. Fake friends help us go down the path of destruction, but real friends are loyal; they hold us accountable and try to keep us from making harmful mistakes. Real friends “stick closer than a brother,” meaning they are as close as blood. They protect us and stand with us until the end.

If you have some “fake friends” in your life, I encourage you today to ask God to send you real friends. Having authentic, life-giving friendships is possible through godly community!

Emily N. Green

Action Step: Pray and ask God to send you real friendships.


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