Daily Nuggets of Grace Part 5 Courageous!ഉദാഹരണം

Daily Nuggets of Grace Part 5 Courageous!

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Practicing Courage

What picture does the word courage bring to your mind? A child standing up to a bully for a friend. An adult approaches his boss about problems in the workplace. A rescue worker risks his life to save another. What are you facing today that will require courage?

In the Bible, Joshua has just been handed the reigns of authority over the Israelite people, who numbered more than a million. In addition, they were entering a new territory with the plan to completely usurp the people and the land for themselves, and make it their nation’s new home. How would you feel about your new job responsibilities if you were Joshua?

The Lord continually encouraged Joshua to be strong and courageous in his new role, and he was. Obeying the Lord by following His truths was also vital to these instructions that would lead Joshua and the Israelites to success.

Remember Daniel, an Israelite captive serving in his assigned government job in Babylon? He was commanded to pray to the false gods of the land and not to the true God of Israel. Daniel courageously risked his life to walk in truth, and God honored him for it.

What about Esther, an Israelite captive chosen to be queen of King Xerxes in Persia? An edict had been announced calling for the annihilation of her people. Esther feared for her life at the thought of approaching the king. Despite her legitimate fear, she acted courageously and appealed to Xerxes to spare her people.

All of these people practiced courage. Does that mean they were not scared? I’m sure they were scared, or they wouldn’t be human! If Joshua wasn’t scared, why did God repeat the command to be courageous three times? You can practice courage while still feeling afraid. Courage is not needed when fear is absent.

Courage is directly linked to faith and truth. Knowing God’s truth and choosing to act according to that truth, even when you feel afraid, is the source of courage.

Courage is not the absence of fear. It’s making the right choice in the face of that fear.

Reflect and Respond

Everyone has courage. The question is whether we practice it or not. You don't have to be out there risking your life to show courage. Start small. Where is the Lord calling you to stand courageously in His truths—even if you feel afraid?


Lord Jesus, thank You for walking by my side daily and giving me the strength to practice courage today. Please show me where I need courage. You helped the men and women of the Bible practice courage, and I know you will help me, too. Thank You, in advance, for what You are doing through me today.


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ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Daily Nuggets of Grace Part 5 Courageous!

There is a war for the love of God. This all-out war makes perfect sense since loving God is the first and most important commandment. This vital ingredient -love is how the world will know we are Christians. The Daily Nuggets of Grace is a tool to help Christians remove barriers like guilt, shame, fear, and pride while learning to abide to recover their first love for Christ.
