Winding Down With the Wordഉദാഹരണം

Winding Down With the Word

7 ദിവസത്തിൽ 5 ദിവസം


This Scripture tells us that EVERYTHING God created is good and we should not reject any of it.

When I read this, I instantly think of body image issues.

I know it is a big deal, especially in this day and age and I want you to know you are NOT alone, as I too have struggled.

Growing up in a toxic home environment and being abused really has a way of messing with your mind.

If that sounds like the home you were raised in, I want to say God loves you, you didn't deserve that and... there is another way.

There is HOPE. And His name is Jesus!

We all have things about us that we wish were different...

The thing is I didn't know that there were things about me that needed to change...that is until someone told me, until someone made fun of me, until someone rejected me.

When that happens you can be tempted to question, who you thought you were.

It doesn't matter who you are...young or old, poor or rich, CEO or unemployed...there will always be people who are not on your side, cheering you on, and they aren't afraid to tell you either.

But, on the other hand there are people who are on your side!

I've had people make fun of the scar on my forehead, the size of my nose, my laugh, my calves, my feet, my hair...the list goes on.

When I begin to listen to what they say, I am already defeated.

I know I can never be enough: pretty enough, smart enough, skinny enough, strong enough...on my own. But with Christ, it's a whole different story!

Can you relate to any of this so far?

If so, you are not alone.

When I began to listen to them, I began to reject myself.

I didn't know God or know this verse back then. I just knew what they said, and I believed it as my truth for so long.

Fast forward many years now as a believer in Jesus Christ, I have taken on my new IDENTITY.

And so can you! It's never too late.

It doesn't matter what they say anymore when you KNOW what God the Creator of everything says about you.

What they say will always bring you down and left feeling hopeless and defeated.

But with God you have peace, joy, love, acceptance and so much more.

All those things they said about me, GOD LOVES!

It's time for you to stop rejecting yourself. And maybe for some of you, it's time to stop rejecting God too.

He created me (and you) exactly how He wanted us to be!

God doesn't make mistakes. You are not a mistake.

So, today if you are allowing what they say to control your life, let me encourage you to read God's Word and ALLOW it to RENEW your mind because God's Word is TRUTH!

Your truth.

It's time to REPLACE those old negative defeating thoughts with what God's Word says about you.

It's time to REJECT the negative in our lives instead of rejecting ourselves (and even God).

Anytime someone says something to me that doesn't line up with God's Word, I say REJECT that in Jesus' name and I encourage you to do the same.

I am who He says I am!

And so are you!


They don't have a say in my life anymore. Anything that they have said to me that doesn't line up with the Word of God, I reject in Jesus Name! I am who He says I am!


What labels have you been given by others or by yourself that do not line up with the Word of God?

REJECT them and REPLACE them with God's Truth/Word.


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