Spiritual Disciplinesഉദാഹരണം

Spiritual Disciplines

25 ദിവസത്തിൽ 20 ദിവസം

Day 5- Serving as a Lifestyle

Discover: Galatians 5:13 discusses the concept of Christian freedom and how we are to use this freedom not to indulge the flesh but to serve one another humbly in love. We are called to seek what is honorable and glorify Christ in all that we do.

Learn: As disciples of Christ, we must understand that serving is a lifestyle not just one moment in our lives. Serving should be a natural outflow of our love for God to others, our instinct as believers should always be a heart of service. Seeking opportunities to walk alongside other believers and carry their burdens, our willingness to serve one another speaks to our devotion to Christ and His Word. Not only do we honor our brothers and sisters in Christ when we serve them but we also please the heart of God when we demonstrate sacrificial service to those around us. Hebrews 13:16 says that we are not to neglect to do good but share what we have with others, this again is a call for believers to put the needs and interests of others above their own. Our lives should be marked with acts of service, not for our glory but to make Christ's name known.

Apply: Living a lifestyle of serving can often be challenging. With so many demands on our time–school, work, family, and personal responsibilities, it can be easy to let opportunities to serve pass us by. We often find ourselves caught up in our schedules, forgetting that we are called to be more than just busy. We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ in this world, we must understand that above all things we are called to follow Christ and serve Him the best we can. Our devotion and commitment to Him will lead us to share Christ's love and His good news with others. We are to seek opportunities to be His ambassadors on this earth in our church, schools, and sports teams, everywhere we go, we are to represent Christ.

· How can serving become a lifestyle? How do we live up to the calling that God has given every believer to serve one another humbly in love?

· How can you begin serving those around you today?

· Where is there a need in your school, church, and community that you can meet?

· How can serving draw you closer to Christ?


ദിവസം 19ദിവസം 21

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Spiritual Disciplines

In the Christian life, spiritual disciplines are the fuel that helps Christ-followers grow closer to Him. This series is designed for Thomas Road Students’ High School Life Groups and written by our team. This study will help you understand specific spiritual disciplines, their importance in the Christian life, and how to live them out. We hope that this plan helps you love God and love people in a better way.
