Daily Nuggets of Grace Part 6 Calm!ഉദാഹരണം

Daily Nuggets of Grace Part 6 Calm!

7 ദിവസത്തിൽ 5 ദിവസം

Appreciation Calms the Anxious Heart

Have you ever wished you walked the earth with Jesus?

Did you know that you can experience His presence today? It's part of God's toolbox for washing away anxiety.

Appreciation is how we enter the experience of God’s presence.

Thanksgiving draws our attention away from our struggles, weaknesses, and problems.
Appreciation focuses our eyes on God’s power, kindness, and involvement in our situations.

In our relationships and circumstances, we want to live with the awareness that God is with and for us and that He delights in us. Thanksgiving helps us do that.

The Bible tells us that we come near to Father God through thanksgiving and praise.

Appreciation is recognizing that someone or something is valuable and important. The apostle Paul tells us to dwell on anything worthy of praise! This points us to the many things God has done for us.

The command word in Philippians 4:8 is to dwell on or think about praiseworthy things. This means to focus your thoughts on them, to emphasize them, to underscore them.

When we feel anxious, we often disregard, forget, or ignore the praiseworthy deeds of God.

In marinating in thanksgiving, our hearts become tender, and anxiety diminishes.

Paul tells us we need to practice dwelling on praiseworthy things. Maybe you practiced a musical instrument, sports skills, or Algebra equations growing up. But have you practiced appreciation?

It can start simply - go outside and look up! Then, describe to God what you noticed, liked, and appreciated.

I have an appreciation file full of appreciation memories with God. This file helps me readily recall things God has done. When I meditate on these appreciation memories with the Lord, I can choose to trust my Heavenly Father in my current struggles.

In Matthew 7, Jesus talks about two types of people. One built his life on the rock and the other on the sand. Jesus says this about the man who built his house on the rock: he heard the Word and put it into practice. It's not those who hear the word who are on the rock. It’s those who practice it. It's like learning to swim - you learn a little and practice a lot.

The Bible makes a tremendous promise to those who practice dwelling on praiseworthy things. Instead of experiencing anxiety, the God of peace will be with you!

Reflect and Respond

Go outside and look up. What can you appreciate about God and His creation?


Lord, remind me by your Spirit to practice appreciation and experience your promised peace. Help me to recognize Your involvement in my life each day.


ദിവസം 4ദിവസം 6

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Daily Nuggets of Grace Part 6 Calm!

There is a war for the love of God. This all-out war makes perfect sense since loving God is the first and most important commandment. This vital ingredient -love is how the world will know we are Christians. The Daily Nuggets of Grace is a tool to help Christians remove barriers like guilt, shame, fear, and pride while learning to abide to recover their first love for Christ.
