Psalms Book 4: Songs of Exile | Video Devotionalഉദാഹരണം

Psalms Book 4: Songs of Exile | Video Devotional

19 ദിവസത്തിൽ 3 ദിവസം


Yesterday, we saw God wants us to throw ourselves on his mercy. Today, we will see that evil cannot defeat those who trust God.

What’s Happening?

Psalm 91 celebrates that evil cannot defeat those who trust in God (Psalm 91:1-2). Even though dangers threaten the psalmist, he knows God will rescue those who love him, protect those who trust him, and answer those who ask him for help (Psalm 91:15-16). He is so confident in God’s protection that the dangers around him no longer seem like real threats. He compares God to shields and walls protecting troops and a bird whose wings shelter their chicks (Psalm 91:3-4). The psalmist believes nothing can ultimately threaten his life because he trusts God.

God is too strong to let evil win. God is so sure a refuge that there is no reason to fear even when pandemics and wars ravage and kill thousands (Psalm 91:7-8). Even amid these threats, the psalmist knows that with God at his side, he can walk the streets without worry and sleep without fear (Psalm 91:5-6). Even when evil men prowl the city and unseen terrors haunt the night, no evil can breach God’s defenses. God is a refuge who is absolutely evil-proof (Psalm 91:9-10). His angels patrol the streets and guard the psalmist’s house at night (Psalm 91:11-12). He knows that even when it looks like evil is winning in his life, God is still his protector and will ultimately save him.

The psalmist’s confidence is not grounded in wishful thinking but in God himself (Psalm 91:14). God promised to be with him in trouble and answer him when he calls. Because God himself made this promise, the psalmist waits for him without worry because no evil can defeat those who trust in God.

Where is the Gospel?

While God’s people will always be in danger in one way or another, the psalmist is confident that God will protect those who trust him. God is too good and too strong to let evil win. Besides, God promised to be with his people in their trouble and answer them when they asked for help (Psalm 50:15), but God ultimately kept his promise of protection when he became human in the person of Jesus.

Jesus spent his life healing those threatened by diseases and protecting those attacked by demonic powers. When Jesus spoke of coming danger, he longed to be like a mother hen protecting its young (Matthew 23:37). Jesus is the protector of Psalm 91.

But as we all know, many good people who trust God suffer at the hands of wicked people. Jesus was no exception. He was arrested, tortured, and killed by evil and violent men. And for three days, it seemed as though evil broke through God’s defenses. But on the same night he was arrested, Jesus told his closest followers that they didn’t need to be afraid. He would overpower all the powers in this world (John 16:33). And three days later, Jesus did exactly that. Jesus rose from the dead. In that moment, he forever disarmed death and those who try to wield its power (Colossians 2:15). Those who trust Jesus to protect them can have peace that is not disturbed by the dangers that might surround them (John 14:27). Because of his resurrection, evil never defeats those who trust in Jesus. Even if we face death all day long, we will be victorious because not even death can separate us from God’s love and saving power in Jesus (Romans 8:36-38). Jesus is the refuge that is death-proof and evil-proof, and everyone who makes Jesus their shelter is safe.

A Time of Prayer

I pray that the Holy Spirit will open my eyes to see the God who promises to be with us and protect those who trust him. And may I see Jesus as the one who shelters and rescues us from all evil.


ദിവസം 2ദിവസം 4

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Psalms Book 4: Songs of Exile | Video Devotional

This 19-day plan will walk you through Book 4 of Psalms by reading a psalm every day. Each day is accompanied by a short video that explains what you're reading and how it's all about Jesus. In this plan, you'll learn about God's eternal power and kingship and how his love is greater than our rebellion.
