Her Freedom Journey From Pornography: 6 Days of Ditching Lies and Embracing Truthഉദാഹരണം

Her Freedom Journey From Pornography: 6 Days of Ditching Lies and Embracing Truth

6 ദിവസത്തിൽ 2 ദിവസം

Day 2: Satan’s Big Lie #1 —You Can’t Trust God’s Word

Satan has been lying to human beings since the very beginning. You probably know the story . . . Satan tempted Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Read Genesis 3:1-6

As Satan talked with Eve, he began with this question: “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” (Gen. 3:1). With this question, Satan introduced doubt about the trustworthiness of God (did He really say...?). What had seemed so clear and obvious now became murky for Eve.

There is a lot of confusion and doubt about what God has said about sex. Did God really say sex is only for marriage? Sex is such a personal issue, does God really care about my sexual choices?

This confusion isn’t a random evolution of culture. Satan wants you to be confused about right and wrong. God has a will for your sex life. He has been very clear about what it looks like to honor Him with your sexuality, but that clarity can so easily get caught in a web of lies.

You might believe: God is okay with me looking at porn.
Women who are struggling with sexual sin, specifically pornography, often ask, “Why is porn wrong? Is it really a sin to watch porn?” In other words, Did God really say?

God created sex to be intrinsically tied to covenant love. Jesus was clear in Matthew 5:28 that sexual immorality is not only what we do with our bodies, but what we do with our thoughts.

How has Satan’s lies confused you about God’s design for your sex life? When did you first begin to believe those lies?

Not only did Satan cause Eve to doubt by asking “Did God really say. . . ?” he added to the doubt by ever so slightly changing God’s original command.

Read Genesis 2:16–17. Now read Genesis 3:1. How is Satan’s statement different from God’s command to Adam and Eve?

What does this show you about Satan’s strategy?

Satan not only wants you to think that porn is okay, but that God is anti-sex.

You might believe: Sex is bad! My sexuality itself is shameful.

The truth is that God created sex and He said it was very good. One book in the Bible, Song of Solomon, is filled with references to a sexual relationship within the commitment of marriage.

How has believing this lie impacted your struggle with pornography? Your relationship with God?


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ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Her Freedom Journey From Pornography: 6 Days of Ditching Lies and Embracing Truth

Beneath every sexual struggle is an undercurrent of lies. Lies might begin in your thoughts, but they don’t stay there. In time, they flow into your beliefs, emotions, and actions. Your freedom journey involves learning to discern the lies you believe about sexuality, about yourself, and about freedom and to confront those lies with the power of God’s truth.
