God’s Creationഉദാഹരണം

God’s Creation

5 ദിവസത്തിൽ 3 ദിവസം

Male and Female—Created for Equality

God entrusted humankind with the care of everything He had created. God blessed, instructed, and gave authority to both males and females. In God’s initial design, the man and the woman were one in fellowship and friendship with their Creator.

The more detailed creation account in Genesis 2 emphasizes how Eve was formed and discusses Adam and Eve joining as one flesh. Remember that both were made in God’s image. It is fundamental that we understand God’s triune nature. He is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit—plurality expressed in perfect unity. Humanity is created to express this same unity in plurality.

Scripture teaches that it is not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18b). So, God took a part of Adam and used it to form Eve. In this significant action, we observe the male and female's essential oneness, equal worth, and shared identity. Out of Adam, Eve was fashioned. Adam and Eve became one flesh and completed God’s expression of His own image and likeness—of His plurality expressed in unity (Genesis 2:24). The Apostle reaffirms the Genesis story and the interdependence of the male and female (1 Corinthians 11:11–12).

Notice that Eve was formed to be a helper for the specific purpose of delivering Adam from his singularity (Genesis 2:18). Some erroneously insist that God predetermined the female to be inferior and subservient to the male. They overlay the biblical text with their own biases and societal norms, which are inconsistent with God’s original plan for humanity (Genesis 1:27–28). The Hebrew word ezer, sometimes translated as helper, is used throughout the Old Testament. Most of the time, it refers to God (as in 1 Samuel 7:12; Psalm 121:1–2). So, it certainly does not imply inferiority, as God is not inferior to those whom He helps. In describing God’s intent in forming Eve, the word ezer was never intended to diminish her dignity nor to alter God’s purposes for humankind.

Most societies do not value women as they do men. Understanding God’s plan helps us to resist demeaning assumptions of womanhood. God’s standard is within His human family. That can only be realized when people embrace Christ’s work of redemption (Galatians 3:28).

God, help me understand Your original design for relationships between men and women. Reveal how I might demonstrate your divine plan in my relationships today.


ദിവസം 2ദിവസം 4

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

God’s Creation

The first two chapters of Genesis are much more than accounts of how the world began. They reveal God as the Creator and disclose His original design for humanity about Himself and the rest of creation. This five-day meditation will help you reflect on vital truths of God’s creation. Discover God’s purpose for you!
