40 Day Worship Experience സാംപിൾ

Day 8
Welcome to the second week of the 40-Day Worship Experience! We are reflecting on the first simple prayer, “Jesus, I surrender my will to Yours.”
I want you to imagine a place called SurrenderLand. SurrenderLand is a destination that exists within your heart, soul, and mind where you feel so completely loved and protected that you are able to let go of anything that would keep you from trusting God completely.
Proverbs 18:10 says, “The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.” This describes SurrenderLand. It’s a safety found in surrender; a confidence enjoyed in total trust. It is a sacred space where you yield your heart to God, allowing Him to be your Unshakable Fortress.
During your first fifteen minutes with God each morning, learn to “run to Him” and be safe. Release your fears, entrust Him with your desires, consult with Him about your plans, trust Him with your needs. He is a Strong Tower, and when you place yourself fully in His Arms, you are safe. That is SurrenderLand.
If you find yourself in the midst of a challenging situation right now, allow the Holy Spirit to take charge of your heart, quieting the internal voices of doubt and fear. God is your Strong Tower, ready to unlock the Love Center within you where you receive His Love. This divine exchange crushes fear and activates faith.
If there is something in your life that you know is not God’s Will for you, turn it over to Him. Allow Him to show you what is inside your heart and to guide you down a better path. He isn’t here to crush you or condemn you but to set you free. Don’t let shame or fear hold you back. Run to God, your Strong Fortress, and be safe.
If there is a relational conflict that has you worried and stressed, or if your finances are not where they need to be, or if you are unsure about a situation at work, surrender those things to God. Let Him be the first and clearest Voice you listen to as you bring your life into alignment with Him. Let this be your prayer today: “Jesus, I surrender my will to Yours.”
Questions for Reflection
- Can you think of a time when you experienced God as a “Strong Tower” in your life? Describe it.
- How safe do you feel with God? What makes you feel safe or unsafe?
- What are the most difficult areas for you to surrender to God, and why?
ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Welcome to the 40-Day Worship Experience, a personal and transformative journey in God’s Presence. I encourage you to find a quiet space to be alone with the Lord for fifteen minutes each morning. Worship begins by surrendering our will over to God's Will. It's in those intimate moments in His Presence that we receive His Love.