40 Day Worship Experience സാംപിൾ

40 Day Worship Experience

40 ദിവസത്തിൽ 38 ദിവസം

Day 38

Continuing with the simple prayer, “Jesus, give me Wisdom and Guidance,” it’s important to recognize that we are not just seeking God’s Help to do what is already in our minds to do. We are also opening ourselves to His Thoughts and Ideas, which are often different from our own. As the Bible teaches us, His Ways surpass our own.

Part of Wisdom is discerning if our ideas and thoughts are from God or some other source. In James 3, we read about the difference between actions that are motivated by “wisdom from above” and ones that are motivated by jealousy and selfishness, which are “earthly, unspiritual, and demonic” (verses 15, 17). James was saying that it’s essential to compare our desires and ideas with God’s Character and Will in order to determine if we are being led by Him or if we are walking down a selfish path.

James describes Heavenly Wisdom this way: “But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace-loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere” (verse 17). As you pray and listen to God, and then as you go through your day, keep this list in mind. Compare your ideas, desires, and goals with this benchmark.

Often, unwise decisions come from things like fear, greed, haste, impulsivity, wrong perspectives, and immaturity. No one is immune to these things, which is why it’s important to seek God’s Wisdom each day in prayer. Remember, He wants you to ask for Wisdom, and He promises to bestow it generously.

Just as King Solomon sought Wisdom and Knowledge to lead his people, your request for Wisdom pleases the Lord. Solomon became renowned as the wisest man on earth, illustrating the Transformative Power of God’s Wisdom. All you need to do is ask, listen, and obey.

Questions for Reflection

  1. Are you open to receiving new ideas from God? Practically speaking, how do you seek those ideas?
  2. Have you ever had an idea you insisted on pursuing, only to discover later that it wasn’t motivated by the right things and was not a “God idea”? What happened?
  3. How can you evaluate your thoughts, goals, and ideas to see if they are aligned with God’s Wisdom?
ദിവസം 37ദിവസം 39

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

40 Day Worship Experience

Welcome to the 40-Day Worship Experience, a personal and transformative journey in God’s Presence. I encourage you to find a quiet space to be alone with the Lord for fifteen minutes each morning. Worship begins by surrendering our will over to God's Will. It's in those intimate moments in His Presence that we receive His Love.
