Word of the Yearഉദാഹരണം

Word of the Year

7 ദിവസത്തിൽ 7 ദിവസം

Choosing a Verse of the Year

What if God has a banner, an anthem to sing over your heart this year? When my kids were young, I would sing songs to them as they fell asleep. Over their early years, certain songs became their own personal anthems - ones they chose over and over or ones that welled up in my heart in the closing moments of the day. Imagine God singing the verse you land on today over you as you move throughout this year. May it become a sweet song of his particular kindness for your heart over this mile marker in your story.

Our God knows what lies ahead of you this year. Let’s ask him to guide us to the anthem he is singing over us. At this point, move through your collection of verses, paying attention to your heart. Which verse moves you and stirs your heart? Does one seem to relate more to what you are facing right now? Wait and see how the Spirit prompts you as you peruse your list. This may not be a twenty-minute exploration. You may need to sit with these verses for days or perhaps weeks before you feel a sense of clarity. Take the time you need.

When you have your verse, write it in your journal.

Next, paraphrase your verse into your own words. This is a practice of understanding and creative exploration. If we can paraphrase a concept, we comprehend it enough to put words around it. I am not asking you to become a Bible translator. Instead, put your own words around the concepts of your verse. Here is an example from my “deeply rooted” verse of the year:

“They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:15 NIV

The one who trusts in God is like a tree growing by a river. She sends the roots of her heart, the places she looks to for nourishment toward the river of Life, God himself. She does not fear when the hot weather hits. Her leaves remain full of life. She does not fear the difficult dry seasons and continues to be fruitful. Jeremiah 17:15 My Paraphrasing

Even as you pen your paraphrase, ask the Spirit to open your eyes and mind to see and consider beauty and wonders in how his Word intersects with your life.

Lastly, write a prayer with your verse. For example, if Psalm 30:11 were my verse for this year, I could turn “You turned my wailing into dancing” into this prayer: “Loving God, would you meet me in the grief-stricken places in my heart and bring joyful surprises?”

This is our last day together in this plan. As you ponder all we have explored with God this week, consider asking Him:

Father, what one idea do you most want me to see and understand and process from this week?

Jesus, what place in my story did my word and verse touch most? What is your invitation to me in that?

Spirit, would you allow me to hear the anthem you are singing over my life? Would you awaken all my senses to be aware of what and how you are singing? Would you show me how to keep the word of this year and the verse you have given me on my mind, in my heart, and walking out in my life this year? What reminders might help me to keep your anthem in my heart?

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ദിവസം 6

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Word of the Year

Looking for a fresh start to the new year? What if you invited God to guide you personally and specifically in the year ahead, listening to his heart for you? Through these seven days, we invite you to consider the year behind you, and explore a theme with God for your upcoming year. You’ll want to have a journal ready as you explore the prompts along the journey!
