Identity: Becoming The True Youഉദാഹരണം

Identity: Becoming The True You

8 ദിവസത്തിൽ 2 ദിവസം


The laundry is piling up. The kids are bouncing off the walls. I have become an Uber driver for all of the kids’ activities, but I can’t find my keys or my phone. I can’t even find a complete set of shoes, much less matching socks – ever! We are late once again – story of my life. Am I really the only one in the house who can change a toilet paper roll? Really?!

Maybe you feel called to homeschool, go to Haiti, become a stay-at-home mom, go back to work, supervise a huge team, or are awaiting a well-deserved promotion. With all this mom responsibility, how will we ever reach our secret dreams?

Maybe like me, you feel inadequate, confused, overwhelmed, stupid, exasperated, challenged, and insecure. Do you find yourself asking if you are adequate, enough, or if you have what it takes?

Yes! You do! God is faithful to equip.

Moses is a classic example of someone who felt unqualified while not realizing he already had what he needed.

When God told Moses that He would be used to speak to Pharaoh, lead the exit, and deliver the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses’ words declared his disabilities, “I am slow of speech and of tongue.” In essence, he believed that the one who created his mouth and voice missed the mark and left him unequipped!

God responded to Moses, “Go! I will be your mouth and teach you what you say.” But no, insecurity had Moses at hello. Moses refused to believe he was capable.

God became angry because Moses could not receive that, even in his weakness, he was already qualified. However, in mercy, God equipped Aaron to become Moses’ mouthpiece. God, who knew Moses’ thoughts most intimately, believed in him anyway and gave Moses what he believed he needed to feel equipped.

Do you feel unqualified or under-equipped? God does not want a servant who knows what to do or say. He wants someone who cannot do it on her own, but believes that God can do all things through her. God has already equipped you with everything you need to carry out His will. He works in you and for you!

Now go find your matching shoes. You got this!

No matter what arises, remember this: “I am equipped.”


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ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Identity: Becoming The True You

What if you knew truly who you are and what you were called to do. Becoming My True identity leads you through a study of the transforming power of knowing your authentic identity in Christ. When you know whose you are, then you know who you are. When you know who you are, you know what you were called to do. Join us as we learn how to become who we truly are in Christ.
