Walk With Jesus: A 7 Day Devotional Into a Closer Walk With Jesusഉദാഹരണം

Walk With Jesus: A 7 Day Devotional Into a Closer Walk With Jesus

7 ദിവസത്തിൽ 7 ദിവസം


There comes a time in all of our walks with Jesus, that spiritual boldness must take over… A fearlessness to SPEAK OUT the truth of the written Word of God despite how contrary it may be to the culture or order of the day. Not out of a cantankerous or brash spirit, no… that approach never brought anybody into a relationship with the real Jesus. That approach has only brought people into a relationship with religion (a list of do’s and don’ts that are impossible to keep in your own strength). The kind of boldness that I’m talking about speaking with is an undaunted authority that rises up in the hearts of believers and lovingly plants its stake in the ground and says, “Jesus has changed my life! He set me free! He cleansed me of my sins and has even changed my old desires through His Holy Spirit living inside of me! If He could do all this for me, He surely wouldn’t hold back for anyone else! I believe Jesus is who He says He is! He is the way, the truth, and the life! He is the son of God and He did die for my sins! And yes, He did rise up out of that grave on the third day - and HE IS ALIVE AND COMING BACK AGAIN!!!”

To say these things unapologetically with the boldness I am talking about will absolutely cause controversy. It will absolutely cause the world to shun you. It will absolutely cause you to be listed as “one of those types of Christians”. Especially, as we get closer to the return of Jesus. He told us so in Matthew 24.

“Then they will hand you over to [endure] tribulation, and will put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. At that time many will be offended and repelled [by their association with Me] and will fall away [from the One whom they should trust] and will betray one another [handing over believers to their persecutors] and will hate one another.”

Matthew 24:9-10 AMP

Telling anybody that they are NOT perfect “just the way they are” and that they must be born again has never been exactly popular, but I am convinced (based upon the above scripture) that those who refuse to buckle on this message will be labeled as “hateful” and our sermons will be referred to as “hate speech”.

However, don’t buy the lies… Hold tight to the message! It is not unloving to say that Jesus is the only way. Jesus was given FOR THE WHOLE WORLD. That is an INCLUSIVE message. He is for EVERYBODY. We are ALL in the same boat in need of the same savior. Jesus didn’t shed any more or less of His blood for me as He did for you. We’re all in need of His atonement. It is not brash or non-inclusive to say that there is no other way to the father, but by Jesus. The message of the Gospel of Jesus is this:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.”

John 3:16-18 NIV

We must preach this message accurately and without a spirit of timidity. We can’t hold back. This is the hope of the world.

The lack of acceptance from the world system doesn’t invalidate the message. We are disciples of JESUS. He told us that the world system would hate us.

“If the world hates you [and it does], know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you belonged to the world, the world would love [you as] its own and would treat you with affection. But you are not of the world [you no longer belong to it], but I have chosen you out of the world. And because of this the world hates you.”

John 15:18-19 AMP

We are not to be moved by the lack of acceptance or embrace from the world nor from the religious sections of the Church that wouldn’t accept or embrace the teachings of grace. The more you preach this grace the way Paul preached it there more scandalous it sounds. Let us be so unmoved by the approval of others that we preach this message with a new fervor and fire. Whether this message brings a riot or it brings a revival, this is our message in Jesus name! Choose this day whom you will serve, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord! Though none go with me, still I will follow! I’m gonna walk with Jesus!

ദിവസം 6

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Walk With Jesus: A 7 Day Devotional Into a Closer Walk With Jesus

The believer’s walk of faith is one that is challenging and requires an every day decision of surrender. In this 7 Day Devotional with Jordan David Ward of the trio, Consumed by Fire, you will refocus on what it really means to have a closer walk with Jesus.
