Armor of God: Learning to Walk in the Power and Protection of Our Lordസാംപിൾ

Read: Genesis 15:1–6; Romans 4:1–5
SOAP: Romans 4:3
For what does the scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.”
Into the Text
The righteousness Abraham received through his faith meant he was justified before God. It did not mean that Abraham didn’t sin or make mistakes any longer, but that God had declared Abraham righteous, something only God can do. God credited Abraham with righteous standing before Him, no longer counting Abraham’s sins against him. Abraham was justified because of the righteousness God credited to him.
Like Abraham, we are saved by faith alone. Our works do not save us, our faith in Christ is what saves us. The Bible mentions the sins, flaws, and unbelief of every person except one: Jesus Christ. He alone lived a sinless life, and He alone is the One to whom righteousness can be credited based on His works. We are granted the righteousness of Christ, credited with His righteousness when we place our faith in Him.
Placing our faith in Christ means we believe God will do what He said He would do. It means we are convinced Jesus’ perfect life and sacrifice on the cross are enough for us to be credited as righteous before God. We are given the righteousness of Christ when we place our faith in Him. We are credited with His righteousness.
God is looking for our faith the same way He was looking for Abraham’s faith. He knows that our good works, even at the best of times, are impure. We all fall short of the love and obedience He commands. And yet, amazingly, He declares us righteous by our faith. When we stand in the battle with the breastplate of righteousness, we are telling the enemy that we have been covered by the blood of Christ and that nothing will keep us from Him.
Lord God, I put my faith in You. I believe that faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to be counted as righteous before You. I place my faith in Jesus, believing that You will credit me with His righteousness. Amen.
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The enemy may watch you and scheme about ways to attack you and your loved ones, but you are not powerless in this epic battle. Because of His love, God has equipped you with the weapons you need to fight and win your battles. God has given you the armor you need for this fight; you just need to learn how to use it.