Drawing Nearഉദാഹരണം

Drawing Near

7 ദിവസത്തിൽ 3 ദിവസം


The word access is powerful. Having access means that you have the permission, right, and privilege to approach or enter. This can be applied to your bank account, your home, or even your office at work.

To have access not only means that you have permission to enter, but the word communicates acceptance. When you are allowed access, you are accepted to come and enter.

Hebrews 4:16-17 declares your acceptance and access when you approach the Lord in prayer. When you trusted Jesus Christ to save you, you immediately became a child of God. You are a family member of God. You are presently holy and righteous through the blood of Jesus. The precious blood of Jesus redeemed you and is the only path that gives you access to God.

As His child, God personally invites you directly into His throne room where He rules and reigns. Imagine that! Through the blood of Jesus, you have direct access to God Himself. You do not need to go through any man to get to God. You and I are encouraged to come boldly to God in prayer, not hesitantly, shamefully, or unworthily!

My wife and I have two amazing sons who have full access to our home. They can come anytime they desire. Why? They are our sons. They are accepted, loved, and are related to my wife and me. Our home is their home. It is not odd for them to come into our house unlike it would be for a stranger. They belong here and have full access because they are family. The same applies to God; we are His sons and daughters. We are invited to come before Him anytime; we have full access to Him.

Not only do we have full access to God anytime we desire, but the throne of God is full of mercy and grace each time we enter. We can enter and fellowship with God because of His mercy and grace. Each time we enter God’s throne room in prayer, mercy, and grace meet us and minister to us in our time of need and as we commune with God.

Mercy means we don’t get what we deserve; grace is receiving the blessing of what we don’t deserve.

Come boldly to the Lord today, no matter how you feel or what lying voice is trying to keep you away from God in prayer. The Lord loves you, has given you access, accepts you, and is ready to pour out His mercy and grace in your time of need.


“Jesus, I am so thankful that I can come directly to you and am always accepted with open arms. Your mercy and grace are what I desperately need today.

I am humbled to know that you desire that I draw close in your presence because you love me and want to help me no matter what season of life I’m in. Thank you that your blood that was poured out on the cross was for me so that I can have access to you any day and at any time.

As I come into your presence that is full of mercy and grace, I come boldly to you as your child and want to share with you some concerns and needs such as ____________.”

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ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Drawing Near

God never intended your time with Him to be dry, boring, or mundane. Prayer is communication and communion with the God of great power and love! In this 7-day Bible plan, Evangelist Matt Muscatell helps you discover that God has intended prayer to be a life-giving, life-changing time in His presence!
