Bounce Backഉദാഹരണം

Bounce Back

5 ദിവസത്തിൽ 4 ദിവസം

Build resilience.

The definition of resilience is to have the capacity to withstand or recover quickly from difficulties.

Day three was focused on recovery – getting healthy on the inside. Today, let’s talk capacity, particularly building resilience.

I am not a runner. I’ve tried and it’s another thing I have failed at. If I tried again, I think I could only manage the 100-meter sprint and that would solely be on adrenaline getting me through before I collapsed at the finish line.

Thankfully our physical abilities do not have to mirror our spiritual lives. In Scripture, however, you are encouraged to run.

The author in Hebrews describes a race. A path that has been marked out for you. This is one long run! This is your life. It requires you to have the endurance to keep putting one foot forward so you can complete your race.

Before you get overwhelmed by the idea of partaking in a mega marathon, Hebrews 12 gives you two clear instructions to build resilience.

First, “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so in easily entangles." You can not build any capacity in your life if you are already weighed down by sin. Failure forces us into private spaces where we hide in shame. In those hidden spaces, other habits or mindsets can cultivate.

What do you need to repent of, change, shine a light on and remove from your life? Get back on your racetrack free of sin.

Second, Hebrew says "fix our eyes on Jesus." I know Jesus doesn’t live in the clouds but for the sake of illustration go with me on this for a minute. If you’re looking down, you will be too concerned with your own actions. Fearful of making mistakes. Worried about how you are being perceived. Second-guessing decisions and being far too inwardly focused.

If you’re looking straight ahead, you are most likely comparing yourself to other people. Distracted by their race and veering into their lane. But if you’re looking up, fixing your eyes on Jesus, you will run your race fear-free, distraction-free, and comparison-free.

Your focus will be on the one who is cheering you on to keep moving forward at all times. Your relational connection to Jesus will stay central in your life so that your faith will mature, which will build resilience.

You can go the distance and claim your prize for a race well run. You just have to do it free of sin and with eyes fixed on Jesus.

If you have been hiding in shame from failure, it’s time to get back on your racetrack. If you have been looking down or looking out, it’s time to look up.

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