Wombs of Destinyഉദാഹരണം

Wombs of Destiny

5 ദിവസത്തിൽ 2 ദിവസം

Understanding the Purpose of Birthing to Believe and Conceive

Yesterday, we looked at our wombs as blessed birthing vessels. Today, we focus on establishing the importance and understanding of the womb as a birthing vessel. Understanding the purpose of a thing makes it easier to connect, engage, and focus till that purpose is fulfilled.

A primary purpose of God as revealed in the prayer Jesus taught the disciples (Mathew 6:9-10) is, "God’s Kingdom come, and His Will be done on earth as it is being done in heaven." In line with this, we can infer that the womb is used by God to deliver His Will and establish His Kingdom on earth. The womb is where seeds are conceived, nurtured, protected, and developed in preparation for living out their purposeful life.

Have you ever thought that your conception and becoming a mother aligns with you fulfilling God’s Will on earth? Do you believe the child God wants to bless you with carries a destiny? Beloved daughter of El Rachum (The Compassionate God), the LORD prepares wombs and owners of wombs for what must be birthed through them. If time has elapsed beyond what you thought or planned, you are not experiencing denial. Romans 8:28 reveals a way in which GOD works; “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

As many (including myself) wait on God’s promises and hear testimonies of women that waited a while before the manifestation of their promises, it can be challenging when we can’t “see” God in action. However, let’s be encouraged today and continue to hope in the God who cannot fail and does not lie. “For the Scripture says, “WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM [whoever adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Him] WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED [in his expectations].” Romans 10:11 (AMP)

God uses the womb as a place to express His love, tender mercies, and compassion, but Satan hates the womb. As a result, Satan inspires attacks against the wombs of women, especially godly faithful women, not wanting them to birth that which God intends. This enmity goes back to the beginning of creation (Genesis 3:15). Is your promise of motherhood being attacked by the enemy? Are you aware of the tactics the enemy has been using? Below are three of the major tactics the enemy uses:

(1)Theft of joy. As you wait, remember the words of Jesus in John 10:10 about the enemy being a thief who comes to steal. We’re reminded in Nehemiah 8:10 that the joy of the Lord is our strength. So, Christian momma in waiting, guard your joy! Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12)

(2) Fears. People are afraid for a variety of reasons: fear of being pregnant because of what they’ve seen, fear of being parents, or of bringing children into the confused world. All fear (False Expectations Appearing Real) is worthless, but the enemy wants us to regard them. Let’s embrace El Rachum in our situation and stop regarding fear. “Those who regard worthless idols Forsake their own Mercy.” Jonah 2:8 (NKJV)

(3) Deception. The enemy wants you to believe that God is withholding—That’s deception and a lie. Psalm 84:11 says, “For the LORD God is our sovereign protector. The LORD bestows favor and honor; he withholds no good thing from those who have integrity.”

Whatever the tactic or agenda of the enemy, you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:37) We can believe to conceive now because it’s evidently clear that God’s purpose is for our wombs to be conduits where seeds are conceived, nurtured, protected, and developed in preparation for living out their life and purpose.

Let us pray:

Father God, thank you for the wisdom and revelation imparted by the Holy Spirit through your living word. Father, as it was said of Sarah that she received faith to conceive, today by faith we believe your word and receive the faith to conceive that which you have purposed through our physical and spiritual wombs to the glory and praise of your name. In Jesus’ precious name, we have prayed. Amen!

ദിവസം 1ദിവസം 3

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Wombs of Destiny

This devotional has been intentionally written to bless and encourage the owners of physical wombs, women, especially those who are yet to birth physically. Irrespective of your birthing situation, you have a womb that God intends to use to birth His Will and Purposes on earth.
