Healing and the Single Mom: By Jennifer Maggioഉദാഹരണം

Healing and the Single Mom: By Jennifer Maggio

5 ദിവസത്തിൽ 3 ദിവസം

He Already Knows

About a year ago, I laid on the floor in my living room, having taken off a week from work. I was so distraught by some things going on in my family that I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t work, couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep. I cried out to God, as my heart ached for a loved one. “Why? Oh Why?,” I asked the Lord. It was in that moment of crying out to God that the Holy Spirit gave me a revelation, which in turn gave me hope for that season. This is your reminder to cry out to God.

Step 3 to Healing: Be Honest with God

He already knows, anyway. Maybe you’re mad. Maybe you’ve suffered tragedy you did not deserve. Maybe you’ve suffered immeasurably too many times to count. Stay in communication with God. Don’t shut Him out. He loves you, and your honesty with Him won’t offend Him. He sees you, His daughter, and wants to hear from you.

Think to yourself, what is the benefit of not crying out to God? I’ll give you the answer … There is none! The Lord already knows every intimate detail of your being. He created you! When you avoid being honest with God and crying out to Him, you hinder yourself from being able to receive the blessings of His presence. The Lord is faithful. He is a restorer, a redeemer, a deliverer, and a hope-giver. He is near to the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. Give yourself permission to be honest with the Lord and watch as He listens to your cry and gives you comfort. You are only hindering healing by not inviting the Lord into your current struggle!

Points to Ponder

  • Spend some time journaling, and writing down your thoughts and current struggles. When you have finished, pray to the Lord, and ask Him for guidance and healing in those areas of your life.


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