Finding Your Fighters: How to Strategically Find Community During Porn Addictionഉദാഹരണം

Finding Your Fighters: How to Strategically Find Community During Porn Addiction

6 ദിവസത്തിൽ 4 ദിവസം

What does the Bible say about confession?

Yesterday we took a peek into Psalm 32. We saw what isolation did to David. He said his bones were wasting away, he groaned all day long, he was exhausted and weak, all because he kept silent (Psalm 32:3-4). Can you relate?

I remember the shame-filled nights sitting on my bathroom floor in the dark sobbing, exhausted, and beyond frustrated. I had watched porn. Again. After promising God I wouldn’t. I felt like a complete failure and disappointment. I was convinced I was alone, the only girl in the world to struggle with porn.

The good news is that David didn’t have to stay in this state, and neither do you. Verse 5 says that David confessed his sins to the Lord and that God was faithful to forgive him. Verse 7 says, “You are my hiding place; You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Finally, the Psalm ends with David rejoicing and singing to the Lord! What a massive change from the beginning of the Psalm. The Holy Spirit, through David’s confession, transformed his heart from weary and drained to joyful and full of praise.

Confession shouldn’t be a word that we fear; it should be a word and a practice that we embrace and make a habit of. We believe God gives us simple instructions within His Word on how to confess and who to confess to.

We will be looking at James 5:16 tomorrow to learn more about the practical aspects of confession. We pray you will find yourself at the end of these few days a little braver, a little bolder, and a little more hopeful.

  • What emotions come up when you think about confession?
  • Have you confessed before? What was your experience like?
  • Is something holding you back from confessing to God or a friend?
  • Take a moment to talk to God, and write down your fears surrounding confession.


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Finding Your Fighters: How to Strategically Find Community During Porn Addiction

Telling someone about your struggle with porn might be the absolute last thing you want to do. We get it. We’ve been there. We want to help you take a deep breath and redirect your eyes towards Christ. You have fighters out there that you might not even know about. We hope to help you strategically and intentionally find community in the midst of your porn addiction.
