The Essential Jesus (Part 9): The Sermons of Jesusഉദാഹരണം

The Essential Jesus (Part 9): The Sermons of Jesus

5 ദിവസത്തിൽ 5 ദിവസം

The End

PRAY: Lord, I ask that you would help me see the world and my life from your perspective as I read your Word today.

READ: Matthew 24:1-51

REFLECT: Jesus got into big trouble for his little sound bite about the temple (vv. 1-2). It seemed like he was planning a terrorist attack on the most revered structure in all of Judaism, and the religious leaders never forgave him for it (Matthew 26:61). Although there's no direct comparison today, it would be something like a person publicly claiming his intention to blow up the National Cathedral, the U.S. Capitol and the White House, all at once. People would get pretty touchy.

Jesus wasn't talking about a physical building; he was talking about his "body," the church, that is, all those who believe in and follow him (John 2:19-22). That's what would replace the stone temple, impressive though it was. The disciples had trouble grasping all of this (Matthew 24:3). Later, Jesus took time to explain, which is what the bulk of Matthew 24 is all about. A careful examination of what Jesus said in this private sermon reveals that he had at least three perspectives in mind.

He was predicting that the temple would eventually be destroyed (v. 2), but he wouldn't be the one to do it. As it turned out, the Roman legions took care of that when they burned it to the ground in A.D. 70. For starters, Jesus was saying, "Don't put your faith in bricks and mortar or anything else in this world; it's all temporary."

He predicted his disciples were in for some tough times (vv. 4-14). They would be "persecuted and put to death, and... hated" (v. 9). Soon after Jesus' death and resurrection, that's precisely what happened. His followers were persecuted, first by some Jews (Acts 8:1-3) and then by the Romans. Jesus said that following him won't always be a bed of roses. That's still true today.

He predicted the world's end (vv. 15-51). Again, it will be a time of great stress and worldwide tumult; some say it has begun to happen today, but Christ-followers have nothing to fear because regardless of what happens or when it does, the most important thing is that Jesus will one day return. Jesus said we should be ready and waiting for that day (v. 44).

APPLY: Are you ready and waiting for the return of Jesus? In what ways?

PRAY: Father in heaven, I ask that you help me focus more on what is eternal and less on what is temporary in my life.

Discussion Questions for "The Sermons of Jesus"

  1. Do you think the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12) are just ideals, or should we really try to live that way today?
  2. Should Christians ever have enemies? Why?
  3. Share your experiences practicing the spiritual disciplines mentioned in this section–fasting and prayer.
  4. Jesus said, "Do not worry about your life" (Matthew 6:25). Talk about how you're doing with that challenge.
  5. Which has a greater hold on your life–God or money? What's your evidence?
  6. What examples of hypocrisy have you seen in the church? What examples of hypocrisy have you seen in your life?
  7. How does the fact that the world will end and Jesus will return someday affect your life and decisions?

The Essential Jesus (Part 10): The Parables of Jesus

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The Essential Jesus (Part 9): The Sermons of Jesus

In 100 carefully selected passages from the Bible, you will discover who Jesus is and why he is so significant – even life-transforming. Through both Old and New Testament readings, you will discover why God sent Jesus, what Jesus taught, how he treated people, why he did miracles, the meaning of his death, the significance of his resurrection, and what the Bible says about his second coming.
